Welcome in the world of air photography from airdrone board !

  • Air photography from a board of the Pilotless Flying Device - the service accessible to the broadest circle of Customers
  • Scale of representation from alitude of "the bird's flight" - always the most favourable and full representation object
  • Photofixing of under construction objects temporarily with application of the airdrone. Shooting is carried out by a photo - and videocameras established onboard radio-controlled multirotor flying device - the hexacopter which provides stability and high quality of the received image
  • Video signal from a board airdrone in real time is broadcast on the monitor of the pilot-operator. Therefore the customer can correct a foreshortening with the purpose of reception of the most effective kind
  • It is possible to make in advance the plan of flight with necessary control points

With hope for mutually advantageous cooperation


Before flights instructing under the safety precautions is made. For rise and landing the corridor in width from 5 meters, free from people and technics should be provided. Realization of aerial photograph in the territories forbidden for flights (near to the airports, above the brisk automobile lines, near military objects) is impossible. Aerial photograph in similar territories is possible only from the written sanction of corresponding bodies. For reception of similar sanctions the customer of shootings completely answers. The free platform removed from a place of carrying out of mass action not less than on 10 meters above which flight will be made is necessary for carrying out of shootings of a mass congestion of people and to be carried out photo-or a video shooting. For the reasons of storm handicapes on the equipment of radio of management, flights before and in time thunder-storms are impossible. Speed of a wind for realization of aerial photograph should not exceed 7 km/s for the open spaces, and no more than 2 km/s for aerial photograph in immediate proximity from motionless or mobile objects
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